


Welcome to Creekside Christian Fellowship! We are glad to have you visit our website. Please feel free to surf through our content, as well as register for anything of interest to you, or your family. It does not matter if you been to church yet or not. We invite you to join in on our team ministries and church events at any time.

After searching through a few pages you may still want to know how to join Creekside. That is easy. Just attend the monthly Pastor's Gathering and meet our staff. At these gatherings you can have your questions answered, get involved with a real-life group, or a ministry team.

Creekside's purpose is "introducing the un-churched to Christ and having a significant impact on our community." It's that simple. What does significance mean? We have invested thousands of dollars into our community for student scholarships, student athletics, student academic support, fixing homes, providing community adult sports, and youth sports leagues. We have also had the privilege of baptizing over 200 individuals.

Creekside is a great place to meet God, serve God, and create a lot of new lasting friendships.

So why wait? Join the fun!

Fellow servant,

Greg Garcia, Lead Pastor

"I love this church"