

5-week series

Join us in this 5-week series, beginning Easter Sunday, where we will walk through this world's half truths. 

They are simple phrases. They sound Christian—like something you might find in the Bible. We’ve all heard these words. Maybe we’ve said them. They capture some element of truth, yet they miss the point in important ways.

Join us as we search for the whole truth by comparing common Christian clichés with the wisdom found in Scripture. The clichés include:

  • Everything happens for a reason.
  • God helps those who help themselves
  • God won’t give you more than you can handle
  • God said it, I believe it, that settles it
  • Love the sinner, hate the sin.

Our books are sold out, but you can grab a copy online. 

church is essential

Governor Abbott says churches are essential so this means we are still open. Not in the normal sense of the word, but we are opening the church lobby from 9 AM - 1 PM each Tuesday and Thursday. 

church lobby open tues & thurs 9 AM - 1 PM

come to sit and talk, Pastor Greg will be there

come pray

come drop-off your offering

grab your Half Truths book while they last

prayer garden is always open


You can come to the prayer garden just be sure to keep to the 6-foot social distance rules with no more than 10 in a group

what to do?

walk » 4.5 times around » 1 mile

exercise station by soft ball field

fish in pond