

transform lives

Finding a place of significance is what we do here. We want to transform the lives of those around us, and we want to begin in our own community.

Creekside has invested thousands of dollars into our community for student scholarships, student athletics, student academic support, fixing homes, providing community adult sports, and youth sports leagues. We have also had the privilege of baptizing 203 individuals. See a sample of things we do in our community below and join us in our efforts to transform lives.

leave your mark

  • local missions

    What will you be known for? Why not be a part of something bigger than yourself by joining our efforts to impact our community? Our kids, our families, and community need us to share Christ with them and this is why we support local missions. Creekside invests 90% of its mission's budget right here in our own community. Since its inception, Creekside's body has invested over $250,000 in local missions to ensure the children in this community know they are called, they are beloved, and they are kept.


  • missions abroad

    We believe salvation hangs in the balance and this challenges us to do whatever we can to share Jesus with everyone we meet.  It is our desires to encourage our students and families to seek opportunities to follow God, being kingdom workers wherever he takes them.  Reach out to Ashlee via email here for more information.


  • ministerial alliance

    The Needville Ministerial Alliance is a cooperative witness by area pastors & congregations to be the Light of Christ in the world today. We partner with NMA so we are "loving and serving God by loving and serving our neighbors". Some of the outreach programs we participate in are back to school efforts in the back to school prayer caravan, as well as collecting backpacks & school supplies for those in need. 
